199: In Brilliant Conversation with Steve Morris

199: In Brilliant Conversation with Steve Morris

Steve Morris is on a mission to help organizations and their leaders rise to their potential to live and work wholeheartedly, all while making a positive impact on the world. We last spoke in episode 173 on Beautiful Questions for Challenging Times, which many of you gave us great feedback on—thank you!

Today we’re taking a page out of the Co-Active Training Institute’s playbook on Brilliant Conversations, the context for their recent open Zoom call. As CTI defines it, a Brilliant Conversation has the following qualities:

  • Larger than how we hold a regular conversation

  • Intentional conversation where there is no answer, no destination, no problem to solve

  • Resist the temptation to converge; allow ourselves to expand, to explore, and to play

  • Place and a space where contributions come from ideas, emotions, intuitive hits or spirit or strategy—we use all of us as a resource and our entire field to contribute.

  • Divergent nature, where as so many conversations aim to converge

  • Call upon on our “brilliant mind” or collective consciousness. We create a brilliant mind together, rather than a singular mind.

  • The process is organic and flowing, much like polishing a brilliant diamond.

  • You leave with more questions than you had when you came

  • We tap into a larger mystery and unfolding that is playing out around us

  • You are attuned to what life then starts offering you back as you walk the world with these questions in your heart, spirit, and mind

I hope you enjoy this unfolding, wandering, improvised, in-the-moment conversation with Steve! Be sure to also check out his free Care Package for COVID-19.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/199

198: Comforting Words From the Momentum Community

198: Comforting Words From the Momentum Community

I’ve got a big smile today to be sharing sharing this experimental compilation episode with you! Please enjoy some comforting words from the Momentum Community, from our hearts to yours. 

Big thank you to our Momentum members who contributed to today’s episode!

Solopreneurs: Want support in navigating these crazy times, with ease, joy, and crazy-smart systems? Join us in the Momentum Community: http://Pivot.love/Momentum

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/198

197: Should You Start a Podcast? "It's A Love Game" — Interview by Petra Kolber

197: Should You Start a Podcast? "It's A Love Game" — Interview by Petra Kolber

Is the market too saturated? Have people stopped listening to podcasts given that they no longer have a commute? Is it worth all the effort? How do you know if you have something meaningful to say?

Building on yesterday’s Listener Q&A around Agile Public Original Thinking, I’m sharing the interview from Petra Kolber’s recent Re-Imagine summit on the pros and cons of podcasting.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/197

195: Our Moment of Oneness—United Religions Initiative with Bishop William Swing

195: Our Moment of Oneness—United Religions Initiative with Bishop William Swing

I love a good serendipity story, and this is one of my favorites! Bill and my brother were both 20 minutes early, waiting for a store to open in San Francisco; they started chatting, talking about business and books — and next thing I know, I got a text saying that Bill and I had to meet.

This is our first conversation, and I was riveted! Bishop William Swing is doing incredible work in the world — he is on a mission to build bridges between people and religions; helping people of (what seem to be) competing religious loyalties to discover each other and work together. The 20th anniversary of his organization, the United Religions Initiative, is in June, and he has over 1 million participants in over 1,000 interfaith cooperation circles.

As Bill says, "If you’re really committed and you’re on the right track, the right person shows up at just the right time.” This mindset, and saying yes at every open door, led to meetings with the Pope, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, and many other religious leaders in his efforts to create the United Nations of religions.

Happy Earth Day! I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did :)

View full show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/195

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

194: Deep Souls with Kathryn Haydon

194: Deep Souls with Kathryn Haydon

Pivot Insider and creativity expert Kathryn Haydon is back to discuss her emerging studies of Deep Souls, building upon her background in education and creativity. As she describes in her article, 7 Strengths of Deep Souls: The Thinkers We Need But Rarely Understand:

"Is Everyone a Deep Soul? The underlying traits that fuel deep soul strengths are universal characteristics of creative thinking. Research shows that nearly all of us have an intense combination of these strengths in early childhood, but they get dulled over time—especially during our school years. Deep souls, however, have resisted this dulling. They can't help it. The intensity of their ability to think differently cannot and will not be stopped.”

Listen in as we discuss the seven strengths, and how to best support and encourage the deep souls around you in life and work.

View full show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/194

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

193: Zoom Pro Tips for Presenters with Leanne Hughes

193: Zoom Pro Tips for Presenters with Leanne Hughes

First Time Facilitator host Leanne Hughes and I team up today to bring you our best pro tips for presenting on Zoom. She covers a range of great advice from the importance of run-throughs to whiteboards, polls, and group participation—and I chime in with tips on maintaining high energy while speaking into “the void,” and managing the many incredible (yet sometimes overwhelming) features while speaking.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/193

192: The Silver Lining of Self-Doubt with Olivia D'Silva

192: The Silver Lining of Self-Doubt with Olivia D'Silva

Pivot Insider and coach Olivia D’Silva is here to help people to “realize the value of dissatisfaction and self-doubt in their live” and use these energies as the sources of power and motivation they can represent when harnessed intentionally. I was honored to be the first featured guest for her new community, The Doubters, and am sharing here on the Pivot Podcast with her permission :)

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at PivotMethod.com/192

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes.

191: 7 Strategies (and Permission) for Digital Introverts

191: 7 Strategies (and Permission) for Digital Introverts

Are you feeling digitally overwhelmed or maxed out during this time? Big thanks to Brooke, who submitted this week’s Listener Q&A on something I mentioned in a previous Pivot podcast: digital introversion.

Contrary to the dictionary definition of introverts as “shy or reticent” (lame!) I resonate more with the etymology of the word from the mid-17th century: in latin intro- (to the inside) and vertere (to turn) combine to be defined as: to turn one’s thoughts inwards (in spiritual contemplation). How epic is that?!

Susan Cain, author of the mega-bestseller Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking and accompanying 2012 TED Talk with nearly 26 million views, has been a central leader in redefining the term introversion to correspond more with how one gets energy and recharges. She founded a movement called Quiet Revolution, and I encourage you to take her online assessment.

In this episode, I share 7 strategies that I’m still practicing as it relates to navigating this new, even more digital world as I answer Brooke’s question: How can I connect with heartfelt community in this digital world?

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/191

190: The Commitment to Create with Michael Bungay Stanier (Momentum Book Club)

190: The Commitment to Create with Michael Bungay Stanier (Momentum Book Club)

How lucky are we? One of my favorite friendtors, Michael Bungay Stanier, is back to share his wisdom on creating while pivoting in this special Pivot Podcast + Momentum Book Club.

We talk about his favorite powerful coaching questions, navigating uncertainty, and his new book, The Advice Trap, as it relates to the pandemic—particularly with advice flying fast and furious everywhere these days!

He was recently on the podcast episode 156 talking about pivoting out of the CEO role of Box of Crayons, the company he founded nearly 20 years ago, and before that he helped kick things off waaay back in episode 26. Today you can find him at MBS.works, and check out his new podcast, We Will Get Through This.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at PivotMethod.com/190.

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes. Our next call is coming up on May 13!

🦠189: The Convening, Collaborations, and Parallel Paths while Job-Hunting with Penney Peirce (Part 3)

🦠189: The Convening, Collaborations, and Parallel Paths while Job-Hunting with Penney Peirce (Part 3)

(Recorded 4/8/20) In Part 3 of our Pivot Insider Q&A with Penney Peirce, she responds to Theo’s question about how to find momentum with a job search when it seems like no one is hiring.

Michael mentions Albert Camus’ The Plague (related article: Alain de Botton’s Camus on the Coronavirus) and the challenge of leading with transparency, and Penney closes out this three-part series with her perspective on merging the physical and non-physical realms, along with what those who have passed know.

Be sure to also listen to Part 1 (episode 185) and Part 2 (episode 187), and subscribe to Pivot with Jenny Blake so you don’t miss a future episode. We have many earlier conversations in the Penney & Jenny show. In episodes 168 and 169, we unpack her essay in conversation together, How Coronavirus is Speeding Us Toward Transparency.

If you’d like to submit a question for us for a future episode visit http://PivotMethod.com/ask »

View full show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/189 »

188: The Pondering Method (for Rebels) with Michael Karsouny

188: The Pondering Method (for Rebels) with Michael Karsouny

Life on lockdown means a perfect opportunity to capture spontaneous thoughts from a very special guest . . . and no, it’s not Ryder :)

First I give an overview of Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies framework (take the quiz along with nearly 3 million others!) and how you can tackle this time according to your personality. Then you’ll hear from my favorite “Rebel” on tackling contemplation without the guilt of procrastination.

Get show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/188 »

🦠187: Vibrational Hygiene and Identity Attachments with Penney Peirce (Part 2 of 3)

🦠187: Vibrational Hygiene and Identity Attachments with Penney Peirce (Part 2 of 3)

(Recorded 4/8/20) “We don’t run out of energy, we just stop being present. Energy goes in a circle, like a figure 8. Just stay in the turn; the flow is the energy.” —Penney Peirce

I was thrilled to welcome Penney Peirce to April’s Pivot Insider private Q&A last week; listen to Part 1 if you haven’t already (episode 185). In Part 2 of this call, Penney shares how to practice “vibrational hygiene” (hat tip to Patrick for the great question!), going with the flow, finding spaciousness, and loosening our identity attachments.

We have 11 conversations in the Penney & Jenny show so far, and be sure to also check out episodes 168 and 169 — listen in as we unpack her essay in conversation together, How Coronavirus is Speeding Us Toward Transparency. We talk about the stock market, how money is like a child and responds to our inner energy blueprint, and making the most of creative lulls (when ready). Do the next courageous thing.

If you’d like to submit a question for us for a future episode visit http://PivotMethod.com/ask »

Join us at http://PivotMethod.com/insider by supporting the podcast with a small monthly donation, and you’ll also get instant access to 7+ months of archives and a slew of bonus resources, including a two-hour Upgrade Your Energy workshop.

View full show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/187 »

🦠186: Apokalypsis, Improvisation, and Light with Dr. MJC

🦠186: Apokalypsis, Improvisation, and Light with Dr. MJC

(Recorded 4/11/20) Dr. MJC and I start this week’s check-in with the New York Times article, “To people of many religions, crisis has signs of apocalypse.” As the intro states, this is the first time in nearly two decades all three of the major April holidays overlap: Easter, Passover, and Ramadan.

In Greek “apokalypsis" means an unveiling, a revelation. Michael and I discuss collective catharsis and gratitude, finding meaning and light in the dark, and how improvisation can help with acceptance.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/186 »

🦠185: Year of Choice—Find Your Preferred State of Being with Penney Peirce (Part 1)

🦠185: Year of Choice—Find Your Preferred State of Being with Penney Peirce (Part 1)

(Recorded 4/8/20) I was thrilled to welcome Penney Peirce to April’s Pivot Insider private Q&A this past week, and knew that her refreshing perspective would be the perfect breath of fresh air for this holiday weekend.

In Part One of this call, Penney shares how to drop our attachment to suffering (and bad news) and shift into our preferred state of of being instead. Penney sees 2020 as the Year of Choice: the time to choose your reality after this all clears. Make sure you stay tuned and subscribe to the Pivot podcast so you don’t miss the next installment :)

We have 11 conversations in the Penney & Jenny show so far, and be sure to also check out episodes 168 and 169 — listen in as we unpack her essay in conversation together, How Coronavirus is Speeding Us Toward Transparency. We talk about the stock market, how money is like a child and responds to our inner energy blueprint, and making the most of creative lulls (when ready). Do the next courageous thing.

If you’d like to submit a question for us for a future episode visit http://PivotMethod.com/ask »

Join us at http://PivotMethod.com/insider by supporting the podcast with a small monthly donation, and you’ll also get instant access to 7+ months of archives and a slew of bonus resources, including a two-hour Upgrade Your Energy workshop.

View full show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/185 »

🦠 184: Reinventing You + Pivoting in the Crisis with Dorie Clark {LinkedIn Live Replay}

🦠 184: Reinventing You + Pivoting in the Crisis with Dorie Clark {LinkedIn Live Replay}

(Recorded 4/9/20) Join me and business bestie Dorie Clark as we discuss how we’re reinventing and navigating our way through the unknowns of this crisis on a day-by-day basis.

In our recent LinkedIn Live session we covered a range of topics including: When is it time to pause, and when is it time to double-down? How can we create offerings during this time in a way that is sensitive and respectful, not salesy? What about those who are furloughed and feeling in a state of limbo?

If you haven't already, listen to our previous episodes together on how to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following, How to Monetize Your Ideas, and Creating Multiple Streams of Income. Check out Dorie's Recognized Expert Evaluation Toolkit and her Entrepreneur Self-Assessment, which we mention in this episode.

Get full show notes and links from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/184 »

183: Cultivating Opposites and Checklists with Alexandra Franzen

183: Cultivating Opposites and Checklists with Alexandra Franzen

(Recorded April 8) There is no one I was more delighted to connect with during this wild, winding time than longtime friendtor Alexandra Franzen. I’ve been following her work since 2011, and consistently delighted by the devotion, care, and creativity she gives to her community.

Alex is a writer, consultant, entrepreneur, retreat leader, and proud “checklist freak” based in Hawaii. She is the founder of the Tiny Press, a publishing imprint specializing in very short books–100 pages or less.

Today we’re talking about her 6th book, The Checklist Book: Set Realistic Goals, Celebrate Tiny Wins, Reduce Stress and Overwhelm, and Feel Calmer Every Day. Other books include You’re Going to Survive and So This Is the End: A Love Story.

In this conversation we touch on many of the topics she writes about: life, love, grief, unplugging from technology, creativity, focus, simplicity, time–and yes, the power of checklists for self-care, not just productivity!

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/183

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes. Our next session is May 13th — I’d love for you to join us!

182: Collective Problem-Solving + Negotiating Fearlessly with Mori Taheripour

182: Collective Problem-Solving + Negotiating Fearlessly with Mori Taheripour

(Recorded April 8) Mori Taheripour is an award-winning educator and globally-recognized executive with over fifteen years of experience leading initiatives at the intersection of sports, social change, and negotiations in both the public and private sectors.

Today we’re talking about her new book, Bring Yourself: How to Harness the Power of Connection to Negotiate Fearlessly. We cover what it’s like launching amidst a global crisis, how negotiation has accelerated for all of us these days, why anyone can be a good negotiator, and strategies for problem-solving and relationship-building during crazy times like these.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/182

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes. Our next session is May 13th — I’d love for you to join us!

181: Find Your Edge (And Collect 10 No's to Pass Go) with Laura Huang

181: Find Your Edge (And Collect 10 No's to Pass Go) with Laura Huang

(Recorded 2/12/20) Laura Huang is a professor at Harvard Business School who studies interpersonal relationships and implicit bias in entrepreneurship and in the workplace. In this conversation, we’re talking about her new book Edge: Turning Adversity Into Advantage.

You’ll learn about her framework: Enrich, Delight, Guide, Effort — and how she recovered from almost getting kicked out of Elon Musk’s office within the first two minutes of their meeting.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/181

Enjoying the show? Pivot Podcast is listener supported—consider donating to become a Pivot Insider and you’ll get access to a private monthly Q&A call where you can ask me anything, and discuss the latest books, tools and topics I’ve shared in recent episodes. Our next session is April 8th — I’d love for you to join us! Learn more at http://pivotmethod.com/insider.

🦠180: Pivot-in-Progress—12 Reflection Questions

🦠180: Pivot-in-Progress—12 Reflection Questions

Here in the U.S., a record 10 million people have filed for unemployment in the last two weeks, and employment estimates are at a mind-boggling 13%—which doesn’t even include gig economy workers.

I have friends who are pregnant, slated to get married, and who have family members who are sick that they can’t visit. On a personal level, I am staying buoyant, although in the last few weeks I have lost 90% of my projected income for Q2, including money that I had been planning on putting directly into a six-month business reserves account long before the pandemic hit.

I did end up applying for the Small Business Association’s COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (also called the Payroll Protection Plan), despite initial hesitations that there were people who needed it more than me.

We are all feeling it. I have been trying to journal through this, both in my 5 Star Spiral Notebook (a 15+ year staple) and my new One Line a Day: Five-Year Memory Book.

Along those lines, today I’m sharing some reflection questions that have been helpful for me and others. We’re still early in all this, so I recommend revisiting these even on a monthly basis (as well as episode 173 with Steven Morris on beautiful questions that reorient one’s life trajectory).

I am purposefully not going through my analysis on the podcast yet, because I want to give you the space to reflect on your own without influence from my responses, but I’m happy to share in a future episode.

❤️ Finally, remember the Buddhist saying: nothing is permanent, personal, or perfect.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/180