191: 7 Strategies (and Permission) for Digital Introverts
Are you feeling digitally overwhelmed or maxed out during this time? Big thanks to Brooke, who submitted this week’s Listener Q&A on something I mentioned in a previous Pivot podcast: digital introversion.
Contrary to the dictionary definition of introverts as “shy or reticent” (lame!) I resonate more with the etymology of the word from the mid-17th century: in latin intro- (to the inside) and vertere (to turn) combine to be defined as: to turn one’s thoughts inwards (in spiritual contemplation). How epic is that?!
Susan Cain, author of the mega-bestseller Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking and accompanying 2012 TED Talk with nearly 26 million views, has been a central leader in redefining the term introversion to correspond more with how one gets energy and recharges. She founded a movement called Quiet Revolution, and I encourage you to take her online assessment.
In this episode, I share 7 strategies that I’m still practicing as it relates to navigating this new, even more digital world as I answer Brooke’s question: How can I connect with heartfelt community in this digital world?
What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask
Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/191
Background on the Pivoting Around a Pandemic Podcast Series
Background from our kick-off to this Pivoting Around A Pandemic series: With so much happening daily in the world and global economy around coronavirus, we’re all dealing with massive amounts of uncertainty, pivots at work, and for many—fear and anxiety that comes with not only the health concerns, but questions around how to maintain our livelihoods moving forward.
Topics Covered
How I think about Digital Introversion (in addition to fundamental qualities of introversion)
Glennon Doyle’s humorous take on expectant texts and phone calls
Fears and micro-guilt around admitting digital introversion
Susan Cain: "When you make life choices that are congruent with your temperament—and allow others to do the same—you unleash vast stores of energy. Conversely, when you spend too much time battling your own nature, the opposite happens: you deplete yourself.”
Defining introversion, the etymology of the word
7 Strategies:
Self-identifying might be helpful
Know your limits
Express your preferences, renegotiate format
Know and build in time for recharging, quiet time, reflection
Build no meeting days if you can
Put up email and/or text autoresponders
Ask who you are trying to please: yourself or others? And is it sustainable?
Resources Mentioned
Pivot Programs:
Pivot Insider: Monthly Q&A with Jenny
Jenny’s Private Momentum Community for heart-based small business owners
Related Pivot Podcasts:
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