šŸ¦ 189: The Convening, Collaborations, and Parallel Paths while Job-Hunting with Penney Peirce (Part 3)

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(Recorded 4/8/20) In Part 3 of our Pivot Insider Q&A with Penney Peirce, she responds to Theoā€™s question about how to find momentum with a job search when it seems like no one is hiring.

Michael mentions Albert Camusā€™ The Plague (related article: Alain de Bottonā€™s Camus on the Coronavirus) and the challenge of leading with transparency, and Penney closes out this three-part series with her perspective on merging the physical and non-physical realms, along with what those who have passed know.

Be sure to also listen to Part 1 (episode 185) and Part 2 (episode 187), and subscribe to Pivot with Jenny Blake so you donā€™t miss a future episode. We have many earlier conversations in the Penney & Jenny show. In episodes 168 and 169, we unpack her essay in conversation together, How Coronavirus is Speeding Us Toward Transparency.

If youā€™d like to submit a question for us for a future episode visit http://PivotMethod.com/ask Ā» 

View full show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/189 Ā»


About Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce is a gifted intuitive empath and visionary, and one of the pioneers in the intuition development movement. She is a popular author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer specializing in intuition development, ā€œskillful perception,ā€ transformation, and dreamwork.

She is the author of The Intuitive WayFrequencyLeap of PerceptionDream Dictionary for DummiesThe Present Moment, and her latest: Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity.

Background on the Pivoting Around a Pandemic Podcast Series

Background from our kick-off to this Pivoting Around A Pandemic series, episode 159: With so much happening daily in the world and global economy around coronavirus, weā€™re all dealing with massive amounts of uncertainty, pivots at work, and for manyā€”fear and anxiety that comes with not only the health concerns, but questions around how to maintain our livelihoods moving forward.