šŸ¦ 185: Year of Choiceā€”Find Your Preferred State of Being with Penney Peirce (Part 1)

(Recorded 4/8/20) I was thrilled to welcome Penney Peirce to Aprilā€™s Pivot Insider private Q&A this past week, and knew that her refreshing perspective would be the perfect breath of fresh air for this holiday weekend.

In Part One of this call, Penney shares how to drop our attachment to suffering (and bad news) and shift into our preferred state of of being instead. Penney sees 2020 as the Year of Choice: the time to choose your reality after this all clears. Make sure you stay tuned and subscribe to the Pivot podcast so you donā€™t miss the next installment :)

We have 11 conversations in the Penney & Jenny show so far, and be sure to also check out episodes 168 and 169 ā€” listen in as we unpack her essay in conversation together, How Coronavirus is Speeding Us Toward Transparency. We talk about the stock market, how money is like a child and responds to our inner energy blueprint, and making the most of creative lulls (when ready). Do the next courageous thing.

If youā€™d like to submit a question for us for a future episode visit http://PivotMethod.com/ask Ā» 

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View full show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/185 Ā»


About Penney Peirce

Penney Peirce is a gifted intuitive empath and visionary, and one of the pioneers in the intuition development movement. She is a popular author, lecturer, counselor, and trainer specializing in intuition development, ā€œskillful perception,ā€ transformation, and dreamwork.

She is the author of The Intuitive WayFrequencyLeap of PerceptionDream Dictionary for DummiesThe Present Moment, and her latest: Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity.

Background on the Pivoting Around a Pandemic Podcast Series

Background from our kick-off to this Pivoting Around A Pandemic series, episode 159: With so much happening daily in the world and global economy around coronavirus, weā€™re all dealing with massive amounts of uncertainty, pivots at work, and for manyā€”fear and anxiety that comes with not only the health concerns, but questions around how to maintain our livelihoods moving forward.