54: Plan Your 2017 Pivot

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I'm grateful every day to all of you for being here listening—it's an honor to be walking our pivot paths together. I'm on Day 2 of my first five day silent meditation retreat, but didn't want to leave you hanging! Today I'm sharing the latest Q&A call recording for Momentum, my private community for side-hustlers and solopreneurs, to help you plan your 2017 pivot and set "soul goals" and intentions for the new year. 

If you're looking to kick-off 2017 off with an extra boost of accountability and support, consider joining us! You'll get to know 70 other awesome, smart, generous creatives in addition to twice monthly "Ask Me Anything" Q&A calls. I also teach monthly workshops on specific topics—here's what's on deck:

  • January: How to Lead a PIVOT Mastermind Group

  • January: Scalable Streams of Solopreneur Income

  • February: Crafting Your Career Vision with Lisa Lewis

  • March: Soul Goals: How to Align with Your Inner Blueprint

A la carte, each of these workshops is $47. But if you join Momentum (just $97 a quarter), you'll get access to all five as well as all my other courses, past workshop recordings, Q&A call archive, and private Facebook community. 

Topics I Cover

  • Plan Your 2017 Pivot:

    • Reflecting on 2016: reviewing your progress, challenges and lessons

    • Welcoming 2017: choosing a word or theme for 2017, getting clear on your desires for the year ahead

    • Future self visualization: what would the "you" at the end of 2017 advise you in this moment? Picturing a symbol or gift to remind you throughout the year.

  • Momentum Q&A:

    • How to let go of tasks that feel like a drag or a "should"

    • What to do when exhaustion hits, and one of the biggest keys to recovery

    • Tips on choosing a title for your TED Talk or speech/presentation

    • My approach to setting goals and intentions for the new year, including soul goals, yearly themes, and mind-mapping

    • Recommended practices for highly sensitive people (HSPs)

    • My biggest lessons and surprises of 2016, and what I'll be focusing on in 2017

Resources Mentioned

  • Courses:

  • Books:

  • For more support as you continue on your Pivot path, check out:

    • 10-Week Career Pathfinder Course: an online career coaching program that guides you step-by-step to find your calling.

    • Pivot Jumpstart Coaching (two sessions with email in-between): One-on-one support to kickstart and accelerate your pivot-in-progress.

    • Momentum: a private community for solopreneurs and side-hustlers. Get instant access to our private Facebook group, $750 in courses, live workshops, twice monthly Q&A calls with me, quarterly focus tracking, and all my best tools & templates.

Check out other episodes of the Pivot Podcast here. Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen, and if you enjoy the show I would be very grateful for a rating and/or review! Sign-up for my weekly(ish) #PivotList newsletter to receive curated round-ups of what I’m reading, watching, listening to, and new tools I’m geeking out on.