21: Reinvent Yourself with James Altucher — Pivot with Jenny Blake

21: Reinvent Yourself with James Altucher

Happy New Year Everyone!! Greetings from Tulum, Mexico where I’m taking a (solo) week of R&R with yoga, reading, and hanging out by the ocean. Gotta get myself prepped to head back to snowy NYC! 

I am also celebrating (and decompressing from!) ten years of running Life After College, and turning in the final draft of Pivot mid-December. After 14+ months of working on the manuscript, we are now moving on to a final copy edit and page layout this month. Read more and get my latest book and tool recommendations in my twice monthly behind-the-business newsletter

Today’s podcast is with one of my favorite authors and bloggers, James Altucher, author of Choose Yourself and the Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth. What better way to ring in the new year than with his 55-item Reinvent Yourself checklist (poster pictured above in-full here).

Turns out James and I have been New York City neighbors for the last few months. After running into each other three times in two weeks, we decided fate was telling us to be friends. And record a New Years podcast for you on reinvention!

I had so much fun with this interview, and I know you will love every bit of James’ honesty, wisdom, and advice too. 


James Altucher is a successful entrepreneur, angel investor, chess master and prolific writer. He has started and run more than 20 companies and is currently invested in over 30. He is the author of 17 books, and hosts 3 podcasts with 16 million downloads and counting.

His writing has appeared in major media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, The New York Observer, Techcrunch, The Financial Times, Yahoo Finance and others. His blog, JamesAltucher.com, has attracted more than 20 million readers since its launch in 2010.


  • Key reinvention pointers for 2016

  • Goal-setting vs. unpredictability: why directing every aspect of your life is a fool’s journey

  • How to know when it is time to change

  • Why people resist reinvention even though we know it is critical to survival

  • Surrender and how to be open to the surprises of reinvention

  • Why lowering expectations leads to greater satisfaction and happiness

  • How reinvention benches your brain and asks you to listen to your body instead

  • Generating ideas: the more you focus on things that are more important to you than money, the easier it is to make money

  • Considering whether reinvention necessitates starting from scratch . . . or can we get better at it?

  • Why books and friends are the linchpin of reinvention, learning the language of mastery

  • The best way to find a mentor (hint: don’t ask how you can help)

  • The law of reinvention: it takes 5 years


Press play on the embedded player below or listen on iTunesSoundCloud, or Overcast:


Keep in touch with James:

Check out other episodes of the Pivot Podcast here. Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen, and if you enjoy the show I would be very grateful for a rating and/or review! Sign-up for my weekly(ish) #PivotList newsletter to receive curated round-ups of what I’m reading, watching, listening to, and new tools I’m geeking out on.
