50: Post-Election Pivot Point: Find Order in Chaos ā€” Pivot with Jenny Blake

50: Post-Election Pivot Point: Find Order in Chaos

What an epic pivot point for our country with this presidential election. Wild week for all involved, as half the country celebrates with relief and the other half navigates its grief.

This week on the Pivot Podcast I zoom out to take a macro view. Partisan politics aside, how do we navigate a world and economy where truly anything can happen at any time? Where all the smartest pollsters and predictors were wrong? How do we create order and opportunity from what often seems like chaos at first? It starts within, and today I'm sharing some of my strategies as we all move forward from a truly surprising twist this week. Check out the related episode, How Meditation Re-Wired My Brain + 5 Ways to Make the Habit Stick.

Funny "taste of my own medicine" side note: I talk in this episode about Byron Katie's message to love reality just as it is. After recording for 30 minutes (no script, just riffing), I lost the entire podcast. Nooooooo!! And denial quickly turned into, 'Well, I guess that was just a run-through and maybe the next re-recording will be even better.'" I hit finish on the big red button and upload as a car to the airport was waiting for me downstairs. So today is truly about going with the flow!


Topics I Cover

  • How to navigate an economy where truly anything can happen at any time

  • Mind like water: how to flow with what life brings

  • See yourself as the main character in a movie: what is the opportunity here?

  • The shift from complex to chaotic

  • Agitation is an invitation to freedom

  • Dissolve expectations of how things should be and lean in to the reality of what's here now, and our one next move

  • Release the pressure to plan the future

  • Self-trust: I trust myself to figure things out, to be resourceful

  • Emotional Agility: pick up more information during "down" times

  • What are your soul goals at the moment? The one next thing your soul is calling you to do?

Resources Mentioned

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