237: 16+ Software Tools Behind the Pivot Podcast

237: 16+ Software Tools Behind the Pivot Podcast

Software geeks, rejoice! In today’s show I’m sharing every tool I use to produce the Pivot Podcast. This episode builds on 233: Stepping up Systems—How I Shifted to Daily Podcasting (across five key areas: mindset, motivation, systems, skills, and software).

Both are in preparation (and to give you a head-start) for my upcoming LIVE (He)art of Podcasting masterclass! I have the ambitious goal of taking you from zero to show, because the world needs your voice, and we need it now.

I’m facilitating a 3-hour workshop on June 25 where you can ask me anything, get my best templates for visioning, interview prep, and post-production, and request walkthroughs of the most confusing aspects of podcasting and systems. Learn more at http://pivotmethod.com/heart »

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/237 and the full Pivot podcast archive at http://pivotmethod.com/podcastarchive »

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236: We're All In This Together—From Blame to Belonging with Mike Robbins

236: We're All In This Together—From Blame to Belonging with Mike Robbins

How can we create the psychological safety and belonging needed for the crucial conversations this moment demands of us? How can we apply the privileges we have for the highest good? How do we shift from blame to belonging to create change?

We are diving in to these topics and more with my longtime friendtor, Mike Robbins, based on themes from his latest book We're All in This Together. Mike also hosts a fantastic podcast of the same name, We’re All In This Together.

Get show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/236 »

Find ongoing resources for Black Lives Matter at http://pivotmethod.com/blacklivesmatter

🦠235: Co-Journeying and Re-Opening—Roundtable with Dr. Anthony Harris and Dr. MJC

🦠235: Co-Journeying and Re-Opening—Roundtable with Dr. Anthony Harris and Dr. MJC

I’m delighted to be hosting a roundtable as the most recent installment in the Pivoting Around a Pandemic series with Dr. MJC (who you know well from 13 episodes together!) and Dr. Anthony Harris, Chief Innovation Officer for WeCare who is helping implement 1,000,000 tests every day to help businesses re-open.

We talk about Dr. Harris’ background at the intersection of faith, medicine, and entrepreneurship; processing the unrest of these last two weeks, his take on co-journeying through the Black Lives Matter movement, inequities in society as it relates to business and healthcare, and what drives and orients him as he prepares to welcome a son into the world.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/235

234: Black Lives Matter. Listening, Learning, Growing, Acting.

234: Black Lives Matter. Listening, Learning, Growing, Acting.

We have hit a boiling point of rage and heartbreak. What we witnessed through George Floyd's murder was evil incarnate, not to mention the countless others who have come before him, and the massively dysfunctional systems in America that perpetuate injustice, racism, and senseless violence.

But pointing fingers at bigger systems also misses and important point: we — I — must start within.

I want to start this post and episode by thanking two people who kicked off the latest round of deep inquiry around anti-racism for me: Michael Bungay Stanier in his MBS.works newsletter, who shared a link to Rachel Rodger’s Instagram Live video from May 30 on “the good white liberal response.” (If you catch this in time, she has a Town Hall called Reimagining Small Business on Wednesday 6/10 from 6-8pm ET.)

I met Rachel many years ago, and have followed her work for many years—particularly at her new platform and podcast Hello Seven. It shouldn’t have taken until now, but seeing and hearing her pain, passion, and determination woke me up and stopped me in my tracks anew. It inspired me to dig deeper, to dive into social media in a way that I usually don’t. To listen more deeply.

Staying “out of it” is no longer an option (it’s a privilege), and I thank Rachel for calling me and others in to revisit many of the topics in today’s episode that, though I dipped in and out of over the years, I haven’t been focusing on nearly enough. Especially now, when our collective voices are needed more than ever.

If you are one of the many activists already working in this space, THANK YOU. ❤️ 🎙 To further #amplifymelanatedvoices, I invite you to submit voice recordings to air on the Pivot Podcast via SpeakPipe, or for longer messages, send your recording link to hello@pivotmethod.com.

Let me briefly say, while in deep listening and learning mode: *I* must do better as a podcaster, listener, coach, friend, community member, and leader to continue building anti-racism skills and taking meaningful action. In addition to recurring donations, I will also be working to have more diversity in guests and topics covered.

In the meantime, I am absorbing as much as I can to do my part, and am deeply grateful for all who are helping raise awareness and our collective consciousness. Please bear with me and others as we catch-up to making sense of the biggest, most inclusive picture. I recognize that even this podcast and post is sensitive and imperfect in ways I don't yet see or understand, and I welcome your feedback.

Black Lives Matter.

View full show notes from this episode, with a continuously updated list of resources, at http://pivotmethod.com/blacklivesmatter »

#TheShowMustBePaused ❤️

Please visit TheShowMustBePaused.com to learn more about this call to collective reflection, action, and campaigning for justice. In addition to the resources on their website, follow @pausetheshow on Twitter and @theshowmustbepaused on Instagram. I also recommend 10% Happier’s #252 “You Can't Meditate This Away" (Race, Rage, and the Responsibilities of Meditators) with Sebene Selassie.

🦠233: Riffing on Rogan (Part 2) & Podcasts as Mirror with Dr. MJC

🦠233: Riffing on Rogan (Part 2) & Podcasts as Mirror with Dr. MJC

Dr. MJC is back for part one of this week’s recent installment in the Pivoting Around a Pandemic series (listen to episode 232 first). In this session we riff more on the Rogan-Spotify deal, Amazon/Audible jumping on to the podcast acquisition bandwagon, and the podcasting superpowers of transparency and authenticity.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/233

🦠232: What's Past Summer? Interim "Pop-up" Pivots with Dr. MJC

🦠232: What's Past Summer? Interim "Pop-up" Pivots with Dr. MJC

“Action is the antidote to despair.” —Joan Baez

Dr. MJC is back for part one of this week’s recent installment in the Pivoting Around a Pandemic series. We talk about the healing nature of caring for pets during the pandemic, interim “pop-up” pivots and not being able to plan beyond summer, and how Michael’s military upbringing taught him agility, situational awareness, and backwards planning.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/232

231: Vulnerability As a One-Way Ticket to Trust with Billy Anderson

231: Vulnerability As a One-Way Ticket to Trust with Billy Anderson

“Vulnerability is a one-way ticket to trust,” says today’s guest Billy Anderson, founder of The Courage Crusade and mutual friend of longtime friendtor Michael Bungay Stanier (two-time guest of the Pivot Podcast).

Billy is the author of Your Comfort Zone is Killing You: Finding the Courage to Be You. In this conversation we cover finding the courage to move past others’ expectations toward greater authenticity, transparency, vulnerability, and self-expression.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/231

230: Creating Flow States (BookRx)

230: Creating Flow States (BookRx)

When was the last time you experienced a truly ecstatic flow state when working? Where time was flying, and you didn’t even notice it passing? Do you know how to create more of these in the future?

It took 10 years for The Office to find success after it aired. What would you create for the intrinsic reward of the project itself? What if you knew it wouldn’t find popular success until 10 years from now, if at all? Would you still create it?

The very notion of a “flow” state was popularized and explored in Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s seminal book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. We’re unpacking the first half of his book, flow ingredients and impediments, in this “BookRx” episode.

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Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/230

229: Create What You Need

229: Create What You Need

What do you wish you had that doesn’t exist? Whether it’s a podcast episode, an article, or a physical product — innovation requires pausing the “infinite stream” of passive content we consume in receiver mode, and intentionally pausing to ask the question: how can you create what you need?

Your magnet means something . . . pause and pay attention to it.

This episode ties into topics covered in 142: Creative Economy Lessons from “The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV” and episode 219: Swimming Upstream—A tale of two platforms.

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Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at

228: How I Run My Business Without Social Media

228: How I Run My Business Without Social Media

If social media drains you, yet continues to dangle itself as a “sexy should,” this episode is for you. I share my own process—mindset shifts and business focuses—that allow me to keep moving, even without platform-building or posting on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Tik Tok.

From a business perspective, social media is a means to two primary ends: social connections and media (consuming and contributing). I share how I work toward both of those in ways that energize me, even without directing my attention toward the platforms above.

This episode ties in to topics covered in 142: Creative Economy Lessons from “The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV” and episode 219: Swimming Upstream—A tale of two platforms.

Subscribe to my weekly(ish) curated PivotList newsletter at http://pivotmethod.com/pivotlist »
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Submit a question or comment for future episodes at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/228

227: "Super Extrovert" Pivot Strategies with Photographer Phillip Van Nostrand

227: "Super Extrovert" Pivot Strategies with Photographer Phillip Van Nostrand

When Michael and I were throwing together our very agile wedding at City Hall in New York City back in November 2018, with just a few weeks notice I asked two friends for a photographer recommendation. Both separately replied with the same person, today’s guest, which was all the serendipity I needed to say yes!

That photographer is Phillip Van Nostrand, an instant friend and exactly the kind of guy you’d want on board for big events. When Phil told me how he was networking during the pandemic, and earning more revenue than ever despite so many events cancelled, I knew I needed to have him on the show. A self-described super extrovert, he’s provides a much-needed balance to my introverted curmudgeon :)

We’ll also dive into his recent Medium article, How to Live an Epic Freelance Life (in the time of Covid-19), where he describes what he’s been up to for the past five weeks to help my (photo) business and how he put over $15,000 into his bank account during this time.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/227

226: Wired for Disruption—5 Agility Shifts with Henna Inam

226: Wired for Disruption—5 Agility Shifts with Henna Inam

Henna Inam is on a mission to impact one million people by 2030, partly by helping us “Marie Kondo our mindset.” In this episode, you’ll learn about the five shifts in agility we can all make and the antidote to burnout, starting with our built-in neuro-emotional capability for resilience and collaboration.

She is the CEO of Transformational Leadership Inc., a company that helps Fortune 500 organizations grow transformational leaders. A former C-suite executive, Henna drove transformation throughout her corporate career before pivoting toward coaching. She is the author of Wired for Authenticity, and a new forthcoming book, Wired for Disruption: Five Shifts in Agility to Lead in the Future of Work (available June 1).

Get show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/226

🦠225: Pandemic Bubbles, Talent Trends, Self-Education, and Luck with Dr. MJC (Part 2)

🦠225: Pandemic Bubbles, Talent Trends, Self-Education, and Luck with Dr. MJC (Part 2)

Dr. MJC is back for part two of our most recent installment in the Pivoting Around a Pandemic series (listen to episode 224 first). In this session we riff on not quite feeling ready to leave our pandemic bubbles, the meta skill of self-education, and conscious luck (Gay Hendricks’ new book).

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/225

🦠224: Riffing on Rogan, Education, and Superskills with Dr. MJC (Part 1)

🦠224: Riffing on Rogan, Education, and Superskills with Dr. MJC (Part 1)

Dr. MJC is back for the first time since episode 203, when we talked about re-opening three weeks ago. Today we riff on a range of timely topics: Joe Rogan’s exclusive Spotify deal and how it mirrors larger pandemic and content-creation trends, “blue” versus “red” ocean when it comes to competition, and the important meta skill of self-education.

And for curious minds! Our new word of the episode: ar·ma·men·tar·i·um (är′mə-mĕn-târ′ē-əm)

  1. The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.

  2. The complete range of materials available or used for a task.

What’s on your mind? Submit follow-up questions for a future conversation at http://pivotmethod.com/ask

Check out show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/224

223: Stepping up Systems—How I Shifted to Daily Podcasting

223: Stepping up Systems—How I Shifted to Daily Podcasting

Today I’m peeling the curtain back on the shifts I’ve made to move from weekly to daily podcast publishing during the pandemic across five key areas: mindset, motivation, systems, skills, and software.

Interested in learning more? Join me LIVE for a much-requested update on my (He)art of Podcasting course!

I’m facilitating a 3-hour masterclass on June 25 where you can ask me anything, get my best templates for visioning, interview prep, and post-production, and request walkthroughs of the most confusing aspects of podcasting and systems. Learn more at http://pivotmethod.com/heart »

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/223 and the full Pivot podcast archive at http://pivotmethod.com/podcastarchive »

I’d love to hear what’s on your mind! Take the Pivot listener survey at http://pivotmethod.com/survey

222: Pronoia and Why I Love the Placebo Effect

222: Pronoia and Why I Love the Placebo Effect

Can the universe possibly be always working “for” you and not just happening to you? How can that be if bad things that happen to good people?

In this episode I respond to a listener question with my take on helpful ways to apply the placebo effect and pronoia, the belief that “the world around you conspires to do you good.” I talk about noticing what you’re noticing, and how to discern fears versus wants through your inner magnet (aka intuition).

As Eckhart Tolle writes in A New Earth, “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.”

If you are a recent grad looking for a portable coach to help you hold your highest vision even while navigating the nuts-and-bolts of adulting during these challenging times, check out my first book Life After College (first launched 2011, revised edition launched 2018). Compliment it with Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One, and you’ll be well-equipped to navigate change now and in the future.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/222

I’d love to hear what’s on your mind! Take the Pivot listener survey at http://pivotmethod.com/survey

221: Be Willing to Be the Exception (For 2020 Grads)

221: Be Willing to Be the Exception (For 2020 Grads)

Don’t bench yourself before the game begins. Be willing to be the exception. What problems can you solve during this unique time? What skills can you teach yourself? For any disempowering article or statistic, what if the opposite were true?

Systemic inequality, student debt, lack of social support — these are massively broken systems in America. But that doesn’t mean you need to hang your head in defeat from now until forever.

This episode is a message to 2020 grads (and anyone else who needs to hear it): do not let headlines like the one below hang over your head like dark, depressing rain clouds for the rest of your career, no matter how tough the job market might be right now. Shake it off, and be willing to be the exception (even if statistically speaking, we can’t all be).

Just this week The New York Times published on the front page, Facing Adulthood With an Economic Disaster’s Lasting Scars: “Those entering the job market in a downturn may never catch up in pay, opportunities or confidence.” It continues, “The question is what kind of scars this will leave in the hearts, minds and pockets of younger people.”

See this scar as a good thing: how is it uniquely shaping your heart, mind, and pocket? What lessons are you learning that will serve you for the rest of your career?

If you are a recent grad looking for a portable coach to help you hold your highest vision even while navigating the nuts-and-bolts of adulting during these challenging times, check out my first book Life After College (first launched 2011, revised edition launched 2018). Compliment it with Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One, and you’ll be well-equipped to navigate change now and in the future.

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/221

I’d love to hear what’s on your mind! Take the Pivot listener survey at http://pivotmethod.com/survey

220: Protect Your Flame with Michael Karsouny + Adventure Meditation!

220: Protect Your Flame with Michael Karsouny + Adventure Meditation!

Welcome to Part 3 of Wandering with Michael (Part 2 here) — we talk about my favorite band, how to protect your flame, the importance of not planning or problem-solving too much around one’s creative process . . . and then! Around minute 22, Michael jumps into facilitating (his first!) spontaneous guided meditation with more passion than most :)

More background: Feeling stuck and bored for the first time in a loooong time last Saturday, Michael and I decided the only thing that would alleviate our Groundhog’s Day discomfort on yet another freezing New York City weekend would be to hop on the podcast mic with no direction in mind (his idea not mine!). This is the third of several such sessions we recorded that day :)

Get show notes from this episode at http://pivotmethod.com/220
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219: Swimming Upstream—A Tale of Two Platform Pivots

219: Swimming Upstream—A Tale of Two Platform Pivots

“Everything is the pandemic’s fault,” said Jeffrey Katzenberg, co-founder of nascent streaming platform Quibi last week. Is it? I share my thoughts in this week’s riff on how streaming companies are responding and piloting during this time.

Building on episode 142: Creative Economy Lessons from “The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV”, I share a tale of two platforms — and encourage you to examine where you might still be stuck in unhelpful thinking.

I’d love to hear what’s on your mind! Take the Pivot listener survey at http://pivotmethod.com/survey

Check out full show notes from this episode with links to resources mentioned at http://pivotmethod.com/213